
How To Add Some Key And Value In Google Guava

Article stats
  • Monthly traffic 3,821

  • Linking websites 740

  • Tweets 150

Data from Content Explorer

Shows how many different websites are linking to this piece of content. As a general rule, the more websites link to you, the college you rank in Google.

Shows estimated monthly search traffic to this article according to Ahrefs data. The actual search traffic (equally reported in Google Analytics) is usually 3-5 times bigger.

The number of times this article was shared on Twitter.

Practise y'all want more than traffic from Google? You first need to do keyword research to empathise what people are actually searching for.

Luckily, Google has a gratuitous keyword research tool that allows you to do just that: Google Keyword Planner (formerly the Google Keyword Tool).

Google Keyword Planner gets a bad rap, specially since Google removed the ability to run across verbal monthly search volumes. Now they just show a vague range.

google keyword planner excerpt

You can become these dorsum, but you have to run an AdWords campaign. This costs money.

But don't permit this put you off. Google Keyword Planner is an INSANELY powerful tool, and has some clear benefits. Not least, the fact that information technology suggests keyword ideas that yous can't findanywhere else. Trust me, I checked.

The problem? Most SEOs have no inkling how to get the almost from this tool.

In this post, I'll show you how to go some serious SEO value from Google Keyword Planner. Who knows? There may even be a couple hacks for reviving exact search volumes… for gratuitous. 😉

Let's offset with the basics.

How to Gain Access to Google Keyword Planner (for Free)

Google Keyword Planner is 100% free to use. You lot need not spend a penny on AdWords ads to gain admission. Yous just need a Google business relationship.


Don't have a Google business relationship? Get ane for free here.

Merely here's what sometimes happens when you try to access the tool:

google keyword planner ad

Yous're asked to gear up an AdWords campaign.

Google is so ambitious with this, in fact, that information technology tin can expect like there's no way to access the tool without first handing over some greenbacks. Well, I have good news:

You CAN admission the tool WITHOUT running an AdWords ad. You just take to jump through a few hoops.

To start, go hither. Click "Get to Keyword Planner."

go to keyword planner


You may then be asked to re-enter your password for verification.

At present here's the important office:

When you meet the "What's your primary advertising goal" screen, don't choose whatsoever of the three options. Hit the small "Experienced with Google Ads?" link below instead.

experienced with google ads button


Here's notwithstanding another quirk in Google Keyword Planner: Google only displays this link in browser windows of a sure width.

google browser width reveal

If you don't run into the link, try resizing your browser window to make it wider.

As ridiculous as this is, it should then announced.

On the next screen, striking the "Create an account without a campaign" link. (Information technology's another small one.)

create an account without a campaign

Hit the "Submit" push button on the next page. (Don't worry; Google won't ask for credit card details.)

billing information google ads

You should then run into this screen:

explore your account google

Hit the "Explore your account" link.

Side by side, click the "Tools" link on the carte du jour bar and hit "Switch to proficient mode."

switch to expert mode

Follow the prompt to confirm the switch.

Finally, hit the "Tools" link on the card again, and you should see a link to the Keyword Planner.

keyword planner button

You at present have access! No demand to enter billing info or run an AdWords ad.

Now permit'southward acquire how to employ it.

How to Utilise Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner gives you two options to become started, which are:

  1. Find keywords: Become keyword ideas that can help you reach people interested in your product or service;
  2. Become search volume and forecasts: Run into search volume and other historical metrics for your keywords, besides equally forecasts for how they might perform in the future.

Both options take you lot to the Keyword Programme, but what you see volition vary slightly depending on your choice. These are not two separate standalone tools.

Let's explore each starting signal in more detail.

"Find keywords"

Do yous want to discover new keyword ideas? Start here.

Every bit per Google'southward instructions, just "Enter words, phrases, or a URL related to your business concern." Google will then kick back some keyword suggestions.

Hither are the suggestions for "SEO":

seo keyword suggestions

In that location are 1,106 keyword ideas in total.

For each suggestion, y'all'll run into:

  • Avg. monthly searches;
  • Contest;
  • Superlative of folio bid (low range);
  • Top of folio bid (high range)

Simply you're not express to single words; phrases also work. And you lot tin enter upwardly to x seed keywords/phrases at a fourth dimension.

google keyword planner seed keywords

There'southward also the option to apply a URL or website as the seed.

seed url keyword planner

Here'due south another play a joke on: you can enter up to ten seed keywords and a URL at the same fourth dimension.

keywords and url

But whatever you do, Google will never show more than a few chiliad keyword suggestions.

Even when I entered a maximum of x seed keywords and a URL, I nevertheless only got 4,715 suggestions.

keyword ideas google keyword planner

This is pretty poor when compared to other keyword inquiry tools.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, for instance, kicks back 484,282 suggestions based on those same three seed keywords…

keyword ideas ahrefs keywords explorer

… that'south more than 102x what Keyword Planner gives united states.

"Get search book and forecasts"

Do you already have a list of keywords that you lot wish to see metrics for? Kickoff here.

Just paste them in, striking "Get started," and it'll take you to the Forecasts section.

forecast google keyword planner

In that location are no keyword suggestions here. It shows how many clicks and impressions you tin can expect should you decide to run ads for your called keywords on Google AdWords over the next 30 days. You'll also see estimated costs, CTR, and CPC.

Most of this data is clearly aimed at AdWords advertisers. But here's a quick trick:

Go to the "Historical Metrics" tab and you will see 12-month average search volumes for your keywords. These are the aforementioned ranges you meet when starting with the "Discover new keywords" option.

historical metrics

Non seeing the value in such ranges?

Go along reading. Y'all never know, I might have a trick upwards my sleeve for unlocking verbal search volumes. ðŸ˜‰

7 Google Keyword Planner Hacks (That Most SEOs Don't Know)

Here'due south what happened when I asked my Facebook friends for their top Google Keyword Planner hacks/tips:

shaurya keyword planner

bibi keyword planner

So I digged deeper to endeavour to empathize why this was the example.

bibi keyword planner 2

Off-white point. Only Google Keyword Planner has much more than to offer than search volumes.

Here are 7 hacks to aid yous get the almost out of information technology, starting with the one y'all were all waiting for…

1. Unlock EXACT search volumes

Google's reluctance to show exact search volumes is i of the about frustrating things about Keyword Planner. It's why many SEOs no longer use the tool at all.

For example, await at these two keywords—both accept a search volume range of 10K-100K:

search volume range

Just if we check these two keywords in Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, we meet that in reality i of these keywords gets a lot more searches than the other.

keywords real search volumes

So here are two ways you lot can use to go some verbal numbers… for free.

Method #1: Look at the estimated impressions for max. CPC

Begin past adding some keywords to your plan. You can do this by manually entering a listing of keywords into the "Become search volumes and metrics" tool.

Alternatively, check some keywords in the Keyword ideas view and add them to your plan like that. Just make sure to select the "verbal match" selection when prompted.

add to plan

Go to the Keywords view. You should see a box at the tiptop that looks something like this:

keywords metrics box

Hitting the drib-down and make sure the max. CPC is fix every bit loftier as possible. You can do this by clicking on the right-hand side of the graph, like so:

max cpc

Now pay attention to the "Impressions" column. This tells yous the estimated number of impressions your ad would become over the course of the next month if yous were to run it for those specific keywords.

impressions google keyword planner

Because y'all set the max CPC so high, these impressions should exist pretty shut to the actual monthly search volume for that keyword.

Let'south use Ahrefs Keywords Explorer to see bank check close these numbers are.

ahrefs keywords explorer check

Not too far off at all. ðŸ˜‰

Of import: This is a very crude way of gauging search volumes. It is past no means definitive.

Method #2. Install Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a complimentary Chrome extension that adds search volume and CPC to the websites you already utilize: Google, YouTube, Amazon, etc.

Here it is in action:

keywords everywhere chrome extension

But here's something a lot of people don't know: information technology also brings search volumes to Google Keyword Planner.

Don't believe me? Have a look:

keyword planner keywords everywhere

Cool, right? The event is that there'southward no piece of cake way to export this data.

But with a bit of XPath lawmaking and the Scraper Chrome extension, it is possible.

keyword planner keywords everywhere scrape

Whichever "hack" yous use, I recommend taking the numbers with a compression of common salt.

To learn why, check out the two articles by Tim [Soulo] in the further reading section beneath.

2. Meet keyword ideas for more than than ten terms at ONCE

Here's what happens if you lot try to add more 10 seed keywords in Google Keyword Planner:

google keyword planner ten keywords

"No stairway, denied."

no stairway

Simply there is a style to get circular this. Simply practise them one at a fourth dimension. And so add them to your program by hitting the checkbox at the height of the listing, choosing the pick to "select all 30" and hitting "add together to plan.

Do yous want keyword ideas for upto x,000 seed keywords?

Let's practice that for the 743 suggestions based off the keyword "SEO."

add all keywords to plan

And and so repeat for suggestions based on x other keywords (then eleven seed keywords in total).

At present, if we go to the Historical Metrics tab under Keywords, we see ALL of the keywords we just added. And best of all, the list has been de-duped automatically, so there are no repeated keywords.

historical metrics kw planner

By default, they're shown in alphabetical order. But y'all can order by search volume, competition, whatever you like.

3. Steal keyword ideas from your competitors

Google Keyword Planner can generate keyword suggestions from a URL.

Practice yous come across where I'chiliad going with this? You lot can spy on your competitors and steal their keywords. Just take hold of one of their URLs, paste it in, and select "Entire site" from the driblet-downward.

competitor domain search kw planner

2,274 keyword suggestions.

If you run into a lot of keywords related to the competing make, as we practise here, use the filter to exclude them.

Filter > keyword text > make name

google keyword planner filter

Rinse and repeat for multiple competitors for a never-ending stream of fresh keyword ideas.


Looking to find keyword ideas for a particular page or blog post? Select "This page only" instead.

Let's do that for a competing guide to Google Keyword Planner. (I know, how meta!)

keyword planner suggestons

652 results.

Some nice ideas in there too. I think I'll sprinkle a few of those throughout this guide—see if you can spot them ðŸ˜‰

4. Notice the questions people are asking

Knowing what questions your audience are asking can be super-useful for coming upward with content ideas. This is probably why free keyword research tools similar Answer The Public are so popular.

Simply you don't demand to utilise a separate tool for this. With a footling hacking, yous can practice this in Keyword Planner.

Filter > Keyword text > contains > enter ane of the following: who, what, why, when, where, how.

filters questions google keyword planner

Repeat the process for the other v suppositions. It should look like this when you're done:

questions google keyword planner

Consequence: 211 questions-blazon suggestions.

In that location are some keen content ideas in here, such equally:

  • what is link edifice;
  • what is search engine optimization;
  • what is the all-time seo tool;
  • etc.

Want more than question-type queries?

How nigh 28,848?

That's how many question-type queries Ahrefs Keywords Explorer finds for the seed keyword "SEO."

ahrefs keywords explorer questions

Y'all may detect that these all take verbal search volumes too. ðŸ˜‰

Rinse and repeat this process with unlike seed keywords to build up a Big list of question-based queries.

Just add together the filtered results to your plan each time. You tin can fifty-fifty create an ad group specifically for these terms.

questions multiple

This makes it easier to filter for these terms in Excel / Google Sheets if yous export your plan.

v. Detect lucrative keywords past looking at suggested bid

Keyword suggestions are all well and practiced, simply how practise you know which are valuable to your business?

You lot could sift through them all manually but this is no fun, especially if you have hundreds or thousands of keyword ideas.

My recommendation? Utilize the "Tiptop of folio bid (loftier range)" cavalcade.

Here'southward Google's definition of what this is:

"Top of folio bid (high range)" shows the college range of what advertisers have historically paid for a keyword's height of page bid, based on your location and Search Network settings. The average CPC of your keywords may vary.

I know what you're thinking:

Josh, that sounds like it's for AdWords… how is that useful for SEO?

Simple. If people are willing to bid a lot for this keyword, it must exist converting to sales. And if it'due south converting cold Google traffic to sales or leads, it's probably worth pursuing and trying to rank for.

To sort by this column, just click the column header. Make certain it's sorted high to low as that manner, the almost lucrative keywords will ascension to the elevation.

lucrative keywords

Nine times out of 10, this will instantly unveil the keywords with commercial intent.

pro tip

Are y'all thinking of targeting ane of these keywords? E'er remember to check what businesses advertisement are here before doing so.

You tin can do this by Googling the term and looking at the ads.

ecommerce seo services

Are they selling the same products or services as you lot? Then it'southward probably a good keyword to target.

Oh, and here'southward a bonus tip:

Sort this cavalcade in ascending society to detect advisory search terms. These are often groovy topics for blog posts.

informational keywords

half-dozen. See keyword volumes for local areas… right down to the City level

Almost keyword inquiry tools are incapable of telling you how many people search for a term in specific states, cities and other localized areas. They just show search volumes for the entire country.

Such volumes are somewhat useless when it comes to local SEO.

Let'south say that you're a plumber. Using the impressions → search volumes hack (#1), we tin see that the term "plumber" will receive an estimated ~286K impressions over the next 30 days.

plumber impressions gkp

But plumbers don't serve the unabridged state. That would be impossible.

The cool affair about Google Keyword Planner is that you can actually encounter the estimated impressions for much more localized areas. Even for specific cities.

Merely start typing a location into the location filter at the top. Let'due south try it for Los Angeles (city).

los angeles area

Now nosotros see that "plumber" has just ~12K monthly impressions. Pretty neat, right?

la plumber impressions

This isn't simply useful for local businesses though. You lot tin also use it to understand the well-nigh popular locations from which a term is searched.

But add a keyword (or many) to your plan—I'll get for "hendersons savor."

Now go to the Programme Overview, select "All locations" in the locations filter, and gyre down to the Locations box. You will see a listing of the top countries from which the keyword gets searched.

hendersons relish countries


Make sure to clear the urban center-specific location filter first.

You can come across that for "hendersons relish," 94.5% of all impressions comes from the Great britain. Inappreciably surprising, as it'due south a British condiment.

But you tin can become even deeper. Knowing that most searches come from the UK, we can ready United kingdom equally the location in the location filter. Now the Locations box will show more localized areas.

top provinces hendersons relish

93.1% of all searches are in England. Let's use the driblet-down and narrow this down further… to counties.

counties hendersons

17.1% in Southward Yorkshire, but also 8.7% in London—seems it's popular amongst Londoners too (for some reason).

Now allow'due south look at cities.

sheffield hendersons

viii% in Sheffield. Again, hardly surprising—that's where it'due south made. ðŸ™‚

pro tip

You can also employ this feature to help figure out WHO y'all should create content for.

For instance, three.nine% of all searches for "luxury machine rental" come up from the city of Los Angeles.

la luxury car rental

If you ran a luxury car hire company, it might pay to create content that would appeal to folk from Los Angeles… even if it wasn't totally car-related. This would be a bully way to become on the radar of potential customers.

Good thought? The folk at seem to think so.

rentalcars la guide

Note. I have no affiliation with It'due south just an example.

Recommended reading: Local SEO: A Simple (But Complete) Guide

7. See which devices people are using (and which you should be optimizing for)

People use many types of device to browse the web these days, namely smartphones, laptops, and tablets. Each of these take very different screen sizes, which means it'south difficult to perfectly optimize your site for all of them.

To illustrate, hither'south how a section of free keyword enquiry tools post looks on desktop…

keyword research tools excerpt desktop

…and on mobile:

mobile excerpt

While the text is totally readable, some of the numbers on the screenshot are pretty hard to read on a pocket-sized screen size. This doesn't make for the best user-feel.

But here'southward the thing: I know that most of the people who read this guide exercise so on desktop.

How? I checked in Google Keyword Planner.

To do this, add together a keyword to your program and become to the Plan Overview. Expect at the Devices section, namely the Impressions bar. Rollover this and it will tell you what percentage of impressions come from each device category.

impressions device

You can see that for the keyword "free keyword research tools," 92% of impressions come from computers—devices with large screens.

And so it makes total sense to prioritise the desktop user-experience above all else.

For some keywords, it will exist the other way round. Take "all-time restaurants most me" for case.

best restaurants near me device

91.4% of all impressions come from mobile devices.

This makes sense. People Googling this are near likely just looking for a skillful restaurant for tiffin/dinner while out and about.

Last Thoughts

Google Keyword Planner is clearly a powerful tool. I recommend incorporating it into your keyword research workflow. It's packed with super-valuable insights that you lot can't go from whatsoever other keyword research tools.

But it does have its limitations, the lack of accurate search volumes being a Large 1.

Luckily, this tin can be solved with other keyword research tools, such every bit Ahrefs Keywords Explorer. Such tools combine data from Google Keyword Planner with clickstream data to generate authentic search volume estimations, and more.

accurate metrics keywords explorer

Take Ahrefs Keywords Explorer for a spin for seven days here. Or check out our total guide to doing keyword enquiry hither.

How To Add Some Key And Value In Google Guava,


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